“Federalism in Yemen: Deadlock and Proposed Solutions”

The Arab Association of Constitutional Law is publishing a new policy paper “Federalism in Yemen: Deadlock and Proposed Solutions” as part of the outcomes of the fifth session of the Constitutional Law Academy that was held in Tunisia in 2019.

The Academy is a project organized annually by the Arab Association of Constitutional Law which the first regional network of constitution-making experts established in 2013 to contribute to the efforts of democratic transition in the MENA.

To read and download:

Federalism in Yemen – English Version

النسخة العربية – الفيدرالية في اليمن

أخبار المنظمةأخبار رئيسيةأكاديمية القانون الدستوريإصدارات الأكاديميةالدورة الخامسةغير مصنفورقات سياسات

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